Here's just a brief update to things that have happened in the last month an a half:
I finally graduated from UOP with a dual bachelor's degree on July 15!
I got myself involved in yet another business venture, but I'm still hesitant to promote it at this point.
My kids drove me crazy ALL summer, and I cannot wait for them to go back to school on the 24th!
That's it. Yeah, extremely exciting.
I wanted to talk to you about something though.
One of my businesses is an amazing organization that is also dedicated to making a difference in people’s lives. My organization is called Stayin’ Home and Lovin’ It (SHALI). Even though SHALI is a business organization, socially it is as equally important for all involved. Every day our organization grows. Every day, the members of the organization make friends and create extended families. Many of the friendships I have made through this organization stems from our shared goal within the group. All of us strongly believe in the company we work for, and our goal is directly aligned with the company’s goal, “to enhance the lives of those we touch by helping people reach their goals.”
Recently I had the opportunity to discover just how much my organization and the company has impacted others. For four days in Salt Lake City, Utah, I experienced what religious people would call enlightenment. Under the roof of the Salt Palace Convention Center, over 8,000 people from all over the world gathered to share stories of how our company has changed their lives, as well as meet friends they had only known through the internet or phone conversations. Rather than a business meeting, the whole four days felt like the largest social gathering of friends the world has ever seen. People, who at one point were complete strangers, would laugh and hug and share stories like they have known each other forever. Not only did I learn how the successful Marketing Executive built their businesses, but also how they maintain quality friendships with people other businesses would consider only as customers. Within this organization there truly is no boundary between customer and business. Perhaps it is because Marketing Executives are customers themselves, so we can relate to our customers on a more personal level than a traditional business can.
I got the chance to meet some of the highest earning people in the company, who are also part of my organization. One couple are Corporate Directors. The rest are Executive Directors. I even got to meet the President and CEO himself! I was shocked to find out how down-to-earth everyone was, especially the CEO! No one cared that you were just a starting out Marketing Executive. Everyone was welcomed with open arms. It didn't matter what color your skin was, if you were wheelchair bound, were deaf, were severly handicapped, were Mormon, Catholic, Jew, Islamic, Amish (and yes there was a large contingent of Mennonite Amish there), old or young, spoke Chinese, Japanese, French, Spanish, EVERYONE WAS WELCOMED!
Everything that I believed about the company was reinforced at this convention. But most importantly I learned. I learned that my problems were insignificant compared to others. I learned that anything is possible as long as you believe in it! No matter how many times you face darkness, there will always be a ray of light to guide your way.
I've found a company like no other. I'm on the ride of my life, and I want to pull as many people on with me as possible!
"Enhancing lives, one at at time...Making each home a safer place, bringing a smile to every face, giving each soul it's special grace...One At A Time!"
To learn more about this amazing company, please visit my website at, read through it and then contact me. :o)