Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Still hanging in there!

This morning I had a follow up appointment with the psychiatrist to see how I've been doing on the Zoloft. I'm proud to say that I no longer feel like crying everyday. So far that's the only good change that has been noticeable to me. Side effects, on the other hand: I am sweating more, and did get very drowsy if I took the pill in the morning. I ended up taking it before bed after about a week and a half on it, because I would fall asleep during the middle of the day. Well, I'm sleeping better at least now!!! LOL! And the sweating I thought was a result of the warmer days we've been having here, but the DR said that it probably was a side effect of Zoloft. I guess I'm ok with that. If those are the worst side effects I will get, then I think this will be fine. The only thing is that we agreed to try and up the dose because I'm still not as happy as I would like to be. So I will start taking 100mg instead of 50. I'll try and see how that goes. I'll start tonight with the increased dosage.

I'm now 5 weeks away- 35 weeks and 1 day down, 34 days to go until baby!!! I'm starting to get a little nervous because there is a possiblity that it could be sooner. I have my regular visit with the midwife next Wednesday the 20th, and then I've scheduled a tour of the hospital to pre-register for the next evening the 21st. If only I could get the kids and DH to help out more right now, I wouldn't have so much to worry about! Laundry has piled up again, and I need to wash a few of the new baby clothes I have, along with the car seat cover... still no crib, but I did put one on my registry list at Baby Depot @ Burlington Coat Factory and I also have a registry at Target as well. My mom does have a moses basket for me that I will use until I do have a crib. I hope that either someone gets me the one I put on my registry, or we get the money to get it ourselves- it's a convertible crib! It can be converted into a toddler bed with bedrails, and then a twin bed with headboard and footboard when he's outgrown the toddler bed! I so wish we had gotten one when DS was little!

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