Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Rain, Whining, and Lack of $$$

Sara, you really got me with this one!
Ok, so Sara, my buddy, has a great blog entitled My Mothers Fault, and in that post she was dealing with the "mama guilt." UHHH I can totally relate!

Here I was today, trying to deal with the darn rain, two whining kids who wanted to go into Target to buy a new game for the gameboy, and needing to get gas and pay for DD's doctor appointment somehow! I had $19 in cash and I had to fork out $100 total or the doc wouldn't see her. So I forked over the last of my precious $$, and maxed out my CC with the rest of the payment. Then the doc gives me a precription for DD for an eye infection, which means I have to go to Target anyway to fill it. UGH! So the kids start whining again, and I have just barely enough left on my Target card to pay for DD's meds and some brownies for her and her brother. But of course, he wanted to buy a game, either for the computer or the gamboy. Sheesh! They can't understand me when "I say I have no money!" So now I start to get the mama guilt! I never wanted to turn into my mother! Thank goodness she hates the computer and doesn't even go on the internet, cause she wouldn't want to read my life crisis the way I put them out! Half of the stuff I have blogged about she doesn't even know about and I'd like to keep it that way! But I am afraid I am starting to act like her with my kids, so I can truly say that "it's my mother's fault!'

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