Saturday, April 15, 2006


My vent is about DH. Nearly every day this week he comes home and immediately falls on the bed and goes to sleep. He doesn't even bother to move things off the bed, whether it's clean clothes or other, he just falls onto the bed with his dang dirty work clothes still on and falls asleep. He sleeps for a couple of hours, then he wakes up, takes a shower, and immediately goes to the store and comes home with an 18 pack of beer. Then he and his buddies proceed to plow through at least four 18 packs, tear the kitchen apart with thier munchies, and stay up listening to music until nearly 2 in the morning. Now like I said, this has happened nearly everyday this week, starting on Wednesday. Saturday he didn't even go to work. Friday night, actually Saturday morning he finally came to bed at 5am. Friday afternoon he and his buddies decided to have a bbq in the front yard of all places. So of course now there is approximately 6+ boxes of empty beer cans, and quite a few empty cans piled up in front of the kitchen windows, on the ground.

He finally confessed to me last night too, that he has been talking on the phone to his ex-girlfriend nearly every day since December. He confessed that he nearly left me and the kids to go back with her. She still lives in Mexico. He ran into her when he was there in December, and says that he still feels something for her, but that it's just a great friendship feeling, not love. He claims he loves his kids and me enough that he would never leave us. He'd rather deal with my mood swings and laziness than leave his children to be with another woman. I knew that he had been speaking to some girl on the phone, cause he would leave the house to make the phone call and if I caught him on the phone he would walk away or ask me to shut up. so I already knew that he was talking to someone else.

*SIGH* I just can't trust anybody. ;(

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